Course Overview
Born from the desire to support a wide public facing the emergence of digital technology, the team of teachers from the university of Burgundy (uB), accompanied by colleagues from other universities, offers its MOOC DCW (Digital culture and Writing) publish and share on the web." It provides an overview of the potentialities of digital writing and culture, for publish, share and communicate.
The approach is firts of all practical, but also with reflective and critical aiming.
It is based on an original approach oriented towards reflection, anchored in both theory and practice.
Teachers of the ub and other institutions, all experts in the field, will explain to you in a pragmatic and affordable way the digital culture and writing.
Faculty members
Of the university of Burgundy Franche-Comté:
Martine Clément-Burke, Sophie Demonceaux, Thibaud Hulin, Bearer and coordinator of the project, , Frédéric Kapala, Pascal Lardellier, University Professor, , Corinne Moissonnier, Nicolas Noirot.
Research laboratory : Thibaud Hulin and Pascal Lardellier - CIMEOS
From other institutions:
Olivier Ertzscheid , university of Nantes , Arnaud Mercier , university of Lorraine, research laboratory - CREM , Carsten Wilhelm , university of Haute-Alsace, research laboratory - CRESAT
Each week is divided into three units , each one with a video and activities :
- the first rather introductive,
- the second, more practical and genuine,
- the last, invite you to reflection on a theme interrelated.
After each video, you have the choice between several activities corresponding to different levels :
Beginner Level : About 30 minutes of activities per week.
Intermediate Level : About 1h30 to 2h of activities per week.
Experts Level : About 2h and more of activities per week.
For all other questions, you can contact directly the team of the MOOC DCW to this email : mooc.dcw @
Have a good MOOC!
Learning Objectives
The main objective is to make digital culture accessible and to downplay its technical aspects.
The MOOC DCW will also help you to:
- to acquire a critical distance compared to your practices,
- to guide you to new uses,
- to understand this new culture.
At the end of this MOOC, you gain a large and analytical overview that will feed your own digital culture.
You will be better able to create and share on the web, using the basic concepts, tools and simple tips given by teachers.
You will have identified and assessed various software and online services useful for the organization of a digital project.
Course Structure
- Lesson 1 - Organization of a digital project
- Lesson 2 - The fundamentals of the digital world
- Lesson 3 - Writing a digital document
- Lesson 4 - Collaborative writing
- Lesson 5 - Hypertext writing
- Lesson 6 - Networked writing
Alexandra Maurice
Ingénieur pédagogique de ce MOOC, je ferai en sorte de rendre votre expérience d'apprentissage la plus agréable possible.

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