Universitat Politècnica de València

Universitat Politècnica de València (UPV) is a high education institution with clear interests in research. The Machine Learning and Language Processing (PRHLT) research group (http://mllp.upv.es) is composed by researchers from UPV. MLLP members develop their research activity mainly in the Departamento de Sistemas Informáticos y Computación at the UPV. The MLLP group is composed by 5 PhD researchers (three of them are lecturers) and 9 PhD students. The three main research areas of the MLLP group are: Machine Learning and Applications, Natural Language Processing and Educational Technologies and Big Data. MLLP is collaborating with important research groups of Spain and the European Union. MLLP members has been actively involved in an important number of research projects with public and private budgets. In particular, recent national projects (iDoc, MIPRCV, iTrans2 and erudito.com) and European STREP projects (TT2, CASMACAT, transLectures and EMMA).
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Jaime Busquets MataixIn a virtual world in which there are hundreds of millions of pages available with information of all kinds, searching the internet effectively is an increasingly necessary skill. Learn to...
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excel 2010Universitat Politècnica de València
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Jaime Busquets MataixExcel is the program from the Microsoft Office suite that allows you to work with spreadsheets. This program allows you to perform all kinds of operations, classifying and managing data on a large scale....
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