
How can we encourage Europeans to take a closer interest in their oceans and to treat them with greater respect and understanding? That’s the over-riding objective of ResponSEAble, an ambitious, 15-partner project. Our project is funded by Horizon 2020, ResponSEAble is mapping European marine research and knowledge to further our understanding of complex human-ocean relationships and the economic benefits that we derive from our seas and the ecosystems they support.

The project is also working on a raft of exciting media and outreach activities including films and film making competitions, an educational computer game and other learning materials, a social media campaign and an interactive website. The project’s media outreach aims to connect with a wide range of audiences. By generating greater public debate and knowledge, ResponSEAble, intends to support all sectors of European society take a more informed and responsible attitude and help secure healthier and more sustainable oceans.

Info & Contacts

EMMA - University of Naples Federico II
Via Partenope, 36, 80121 Naples - ITALY -
Technical Support  #EUMOOCS

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