This collective MOOC is offered by EMMA, which started life as a 30 month pilot project in the Competitiveness and Innovation programme funded by the European Commission.
Its aim is to provide a pan-European platform for the delivery of MOOCs with multilingual translation services.
With a strong emphasis on digital culture and cultural diversity, EMMA decided to enlist the help of leading experts in the field to offer stimulating learning content to a wider public free of charge.
The project is headed by the University of Naples, Federico II, under the leadership of prof. Rosanna De Rosa.
danah boyd - Living in a Culture of AlgorithmsEMMA
Self-PacedShare thisdanah boyd - Living in a Culture of Algorithms
danah boydPersona, society and technology: processes of transformation in a digital age.We are becoming digital in a way that is not clearly understandable yet. We are no longer capable of distinguishing between what is real and...
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Juliet Webster - Female participation in technical professionsEMMA
Self-PacedShare thisJuliet Webster - Female participation in technical professions
Juliet Webster
Persona, society and technology: processes of transformation in a digital age.We are becoming digital in a way that is not...
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Alessandro Bogliolo - Algorithms are foreverEMMA
Self-PacedShare thisAlessandro Bogliolo - Algorithms are forever
Alessandro BoglioloPersona, society and technology: processes of transformation in a digital age. We are becoming digital in a way that is not clearly understandable yet. We are no longer capable of distinguishing between what is...
Available in:
English -
David Weinberger - The networking of knowledgeEMMA
Self-PacedShare thisDavid Weinberger - The networking of knowledge
David WeinbergerPersona, society and technology: processes of transformation in a digital age.We are becoming digital in a way that is not clearly understandable yet. We are no longer capable of distinguishing between what is real and...
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English -
B.W. Powe - Into the Unknown and the New, ESP without LSD: Media Metaphysics and PoeticsEMMA
Self-PacedShare thisB.W. Powe - Into the Unknown and the New, ESP without LSD: Media Metaphysics and Poetics
B.W. Powe
Persona, society and technology: processes of transformation in a digital age.We are becoming digital in a way that is not...
Available in:
English -
Inge De Waard - Increasing digital and lifelong learning skills with Global MOOCsEMMA
Self-PacedShare thisInge De Waard - Increasing digital and lifelong learning skills with Global MOOCs
Inge de Waard
Persona, society and technology: processes of transformation in a digital age.We are becoming digital in a way that is not...
Available in:
English -
Barend van Heusden - On Culture and Culture EducationEMMA
Self-PacedShare thisBarend van Heusden - On Culture and Culture Education
Barend van HeusdenPersona, society and technology: processes of transformation in a digital age.We are becoming digital in a way that is not clearly understandable yet. We are no longer capable of distinguishing between what is real and...
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English -
David Orban - Exponentially Advancing TechnologiesEMMA
Self-PacedShare thisDavid Orban - Exponentially Advancing Technologies
David OrbanPersona, society and technology: processes of transformation in a digital age. We are becoming digital in a way that is not clearly understandable yet. We are no longer capable of distinguishing between what is real and...
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Bruno Sorrentino - Documentary making in the Digital AgeEMMA
Self-PacedShare thisBruno Sorrentino - Documentary making in the Digital Age
Bruno SorrentinoPersona, society and technology: processes of transformation in a digital age.We are becoming digital in a way that is not clearly understandable yet. We are no longer capable of distinguishing between what is real and...
Available in:
English -
Derrick De Kerckhove - Language, Media and PowerEMMA
Self-PacedShare thisDerrick De Kerckhove - Language, Media and Power
Derrick de KerckhovePersona, society and technology: processes of transformation in a digital age. We are becoming digital in a way that is not clearly understandable yet. We are no longer capable of distinguishing between what is real and...
Available in:
English -
Cristina Miranda - Transdisciplinarity between art, technology, sciences, design and humanitiesEMMA
Self-PacedShare thisCristina Miranda - Transdisciplinarity between art, technology, sciences, design and humanities
Cristina Miranda
Persona, society and technology: processes of transformation in a digital age. We are becoming digital in a way that is not...
Available in:
English -
Stephen Downes - The emerging new Consciousness in digital cultureEMMA
Self-PacedShare thisStephen Downes - The emerging new Consciousness in digital culture
Stephen Downes
Persona, society and technology: processes of transformation in a digital age.We are becoming digital in a way that is not...
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