
EmployID is a joint initiative of 11 European institutions dedicated to support learning and professional identity transformation in Public Employment Services (PES) and related organisations as an answer to the demands of the changing world of work.
The overall goal of EmployID is to deliver comprehensive, sustainable, and cost-effective support for the facilitation of professional identity transformation as a complex and continuous learning process, on an individual, organisational and European network level. We are developing a set of services combining and linking eCoaching, reflection, social learning programmes, networking, analytical and learning support tools, leading to improved individual and organisational performance in the delivery of employment services.
The EmployID consortium presents a truly cross-disciplinary research team and a strong representation of the targeted public administration sector, namely Professional Employment Services. They combine scientific and technical excellence in the fields of workplace learning, professional identity transformation, organisational innovation, eCoaching, reflection and creativity, social networked learning, cross-organisational learning, learning analytics, MOOCs, data visualisation, privacy and data security, user interaction design, interface design , social semantic networks, motivational studies, change management, user-generated content, performance metrics, dissemination, evaluation, impact assessment, exploitation strategies and management.
The EmployID consortium currently consist of the following core partners:
Centre for Social Innovation (Austria)
Karlsruhe University of Applied Sciences (Germany)
Pontydysgu (UK)
University of Warwick (UK)
Clausthal University of Technology (Germany)
Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (Germany)
Enzyme Advising Group (Spain)
Jožef Stefan Institute (Slovenia)
Department of Work and Pensions (UK)
Zavod Republike Slovenije za zaposlovanje (Slovenia)
Croatian Employment Service (Croatia)
EmployID has a wide network of associated partners with over 30 institutions from public administration, academia and industry, including most European PES and worldwide players, such as the International Coaching Federation. In addition, all partners of the project consortium have extended networks in their own countries and beyond which are activated and further support this approach. Special support also comes from the PES-to-PES Dialogue, the networking structure of European PES, and specific national PES expressing their interest and support.
The EmployID external Advisory Board is composed of 3 external experts, who give strategic advice on the project progress and support us in promoting the project towards strategic stakeholder groups.