The Department of Education and Psychology, University of Florence

The Department of Education and Psychology, University of Florence, was established in January 2013 according to law no. 240 of 30 December 2010 on the reorganization of the Italian public university system. Although it is a new institutional structure, it takes up the scientific legacy and teaching of two existing bodies: the Department of Educational Sciences and Cultural and Training Processes and the Department of Psychology.
It is the Department’s institutional task to produce research and divulge knowledge in the sectors of schools, teaching, educational and social relations, and training. Within this context, it is the Department’s task to carry on research to study training processes, individual—couple—group—organization—community relations, people’s development during the lifespan and in cultural contexts, and individual and group behaviour and mental activity in both normal and vulnerable situations. Particular interest is placed on the assessment and development of human resources in public and private organizations; on individual, relational, social and environmental wellbeing; on the development of innovation and entrepreneurship in work contexts; on organizational change analysis and development services; on building social, health and educational services based on cultural, legal and scientific evidence, and the emerging needs of civil society.
It is the task of the Department, divided into two Sections – Pedagogy and Psychology – to develop all its research projects with an interdisciplinary approach, also for the purpose of training new, highly qualified scholars and specialists to work in the social, psychological, pedagogical and educational professions.
The research mainly takes place in laboratories, research groups, and as part of PhDs with a view towards internationalization and interdisciplinarity.